Humint Events Online: 84th Anniversary of the Reichstag Fire

Monday, February 27, 2017

84th Anniversary of the Reichstag Fire

On February 27, 1933 the German Parliament building burned, Adolf Hitler rejoiced, and the Nazi era began.
Hitler, who had just been named head of a government that was legally formed after the democratic elections of the previous November, seized the opportunity to change the system. “There will be no mercy now,” he exulted. “Anyone standing in our way will be cut down.”
The next day, at Hitler’s advice and urging, the German president issued a decree “for the protection of the people and the state.” It deprived all German citizens of basic rights such as freedom of expression and assembly and made them subject to “preventative detention” by the police.
A week later, the Nazi party, having claimed that the fire was the beginning of a major terror campaign by the Left, won a decisive victory in parliamentary elections. Nazi paramilitaries and the police then began to arrest political enemies and place them in concentration camps.
Shortly thereafter, the new parliament passed an “enabling act” that allowed Hitler to rule by decree. After 1933, the Nazi regime made use of a supposed threat of terrorism against Germans from an imaginary international Jewish conspiracy.
After five years of repressing Jews, in 1938 the German state began to deport them. On October 27 of that year, the German police arrested about 17,000 Jews from Poland and deported them across the Polish border.
A young man named Herschel Grynszpan, sent to Paris by his parents, received a desperate postcard from his sister after his family was forced across the Polish border. He bought a gun, went to the German embassy, and shot a German diplomat. He called this an act of revenge for the suffering of his family and his people.
Nazi propagandists presented it as evidence of an international Jewish conspiracy preparing a terror campaign against the entire German people. Josef Goebbels used it as the pretext to organize the events we remember as Kristallnacht, a massive national pogrom of Jews that left hundreds dead.
The Reichstag fire shows how quickly a modern republic can be transformed into an authoritarian regime. There is nothing new, to be sure, in the politics of exception. The American Founding Fathers knew that the democracy they were creating was vulnerable to an aspiring tyrant who might seize upon some dramatic event as grounds for the suspension of our rights. As James Madison nicely put it, tyranny arises “on some favorable emergency.”
What changed with the Reichstag fire was the use of terrorism as a catalyst for regime change. To this day, we do not know who set the Reichstag fire: the lone anarchist executed by the Nazis or, as new scholarship by Benjamin Hett suggests, the Nazis themselves. What we do know is that it created the occasion for a leader to eliminate all opposition.
In 1989, two centuries after our Constitution was promulgated, the man who is now our president wrote that “civil liberties end when an attack on our safety begins.”

For much of the Western world, that was a moment when both security and liberty seemed to be expanding. 1989 was a year of liberation, as communist regimes came to an end in eastern Europe and new democracies were established. Yet that wave of democratization has since fallen under the glimmering shadow of the burning Reichstag.
The aspiring tyrants of today have not forgotten the lesson of 1933: that acts of terror—real or fake, provoked or accidental—can provide the occasion to deal a death blow to democracy.
(snip) In this respect, the Bush administration’s reaction to the September 11, 2001 attacks was not as awful as it might have been. To be sure, 9/11 was used to justify the vast expansion of NSA spying and the torture of foreign detainees. It also became the specious pretext for an ill-considered invasion of Iraq that killed hundreds of thousands of people, spread terrorism throughout the Middle East, and ended the American century.
But at least the Bush administration did not claim that Muslims as a whole were responsible, nor try to change the basic rules of the political game in the United States. Had it done so, and succeeded, we might already today be living in a post-democratic country. If we know the history of terror manipulation, we can recognize the danger signs, and be prepared to react.
It is already worrying that the president speaks unfavorably of democracy, while admiring foreign manipulators of terror. It is also of concern that the administration speaks of terrorist attacks that never took place, whether in Bowling Green or Sweden, while banning citizens from seven countries that have never been tied to any attack in the United States. It is alarming that in a series of catastrophic executive policy decisions—the president’s Muslim travel ban, his selection of Steve Bannon as his main political adviser, his short-lived appointment of Michael Flynn as national security adviser, his proposal to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem—there seems to be a single common element: the stigmatization and provocation of Muslims. In rhetoric and action, the Trump administration has aggrandized “radical Islamic terror” thus making what Madison called a “favorable emergency” more likely.
It is the government’s job to promote both freedom and safety. If we face again a terrorist attack—or what seems to be a terrorist attack, or what the government calls a terrorist attack—we must hold the Trump administration responsible for our security. In that moment of fear and grief, when the pulse of politics might suddenly change, we must also be ready to mobilize for our constitutional rights. The Reichstag fire has long been an example for tyrants; it should today be a warning for citizens. It was the burning of the Reichstag that disabused Hannah Arendt of the “opinion that one can simply be a bystander.” Best to learn that now, rather than waiting for the flames.

How fucked up is it that the Trump administration is making the bush administration look good???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not defending the bastard nazis but their paranoia was not entirely unfounded:


total bank sanctions imposed on nazi germany resulting in germany's issuing their own currency and dragging themselves up from poverty to one of the most prosperous nation ever.
can't have that though, you must be entirely in debt to intl. jew banksters or you will be dealt with accordingly.

2:14 PM  
Blogger the mighty wak said...

wait, ""How fucked up is it that the Trump administration is making the bush administration look good???""

what has trump done that makes bush look good - have you forgotten what bush did?
9/11. then the press lied with him telling americans that muslims did it so we would accept his invasion of afghanistan, when in reality it was all about oil pipelines and reinstituting the heroin trade. and as if that wasn't enough, lying about saddam having nuclear weapons so americans would accept his invasion of iraq when again, it was all about oil. oh and lets not forget his instituting the DHS in order to spy on americans all the while pretending it was for american's protection.

then what happened? obama! "i will reverse bush' policies! i will bring the troops home!"
wow what did obama really do? he accelerated bush' policies and even invaded some countrys of his own.

so what exactly has trump done that makes bush look good?
oh he grabbed some gal by the pussy back in the day. oh the horrors.

2:58 PM  
Blogger the mighty wak said...

oh by the way i was anonymous #1. i don't make a habit of hiding behind "anonymous".
wak = ha.
fuck off govt/media.

10:37 PM  
Blogger the mighty wak said...

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes has categorically confirmed that Russia did not hack the U.S. election and had no relationship with the Trump administration.

As dubious media outlets have aggressively pursued the lie that Trump won the election by seeking help from Russia, the announcement from Nunes puts the final nail in the coffin for that piece of fake news.
wait, what was that again?
Russia did not hack the U.S. election and had no relationship with the Trump administration.
things that make you go hmmm.

11:00 AM  
Blogger the mighty wak said...

SNAP! i just learned a new term to describe uncle shmuel and his military associates:
the WARFARE STATE ha. from now on i will refer to everything U.S. govt/media as the WARFARE STATE. what!?

12:06 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Nunes is not to be trusted, he's a GOP traitor and asshole.

9:44 AM  
Blogger the mighty wak said...

honestly i never heard of Nunes before your post. i'm sure he's just another establishment asshole just like every other GOP and DNC queerbait.
ya, republicans are dickheads but democrats are also dickheads. if i could actually have my 15 minutes of fame, i would waste it ramming a giant verbal fist up the ass of every repub and demo politico.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha - Wak doesn't hide his name!
How Wacked is that!

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mighty Wak doesn't hide his identity. No sir.

6:53 PM  

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