Humint Events Online: Food for Thought

Monday, May 14, 2007

Food for Thought

Imagine if two highly credentialed academic scientists (let's say, oh... a physicist and an engineer) BOTH came out and said the WTC towers were destroyed by nuclear weaponry.

Think how devastating that would be for the official 9/11 story.

Now imagine the effect of two highly credentialed academic scientists (let's say, oh... a physicist and an engineer) each coming out with different but somewhat strange scenarios for how the WTC was destroyed.

Think how USEFUL that would be for the official 9/11 story.

Finally, imagine the odds of "the powers that be" actually allowing highly credentialed academic scientists to come out and say the WTC towers were destroyed by nuclear weapons.

Not too likely, I think.

Here's the scary part: the case for nuclear demolition is quite strong.

Speaking of which, "mysticalgroove" has a good new WTC nuclear demolition video.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see this post has been featured at conspiracy smasher and entitled: Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest.


11:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pause @4:43 = WTC METEORITE
""it's this fused element of molten steel and concrete, all of these things all fused by the heat""
pause @6:29 and see the expressions on the faces of the 2 firemen as they tell of the molten steel:
""like lava, like you're in a foundry.""
pause @8:28 = 8 ton steel I-beam BENT INTO A HORSHOE
""i find it hard to believe that it bent without cracking and buckling - it takes 1000's of degrees to bend steel like this""

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mystical groove is the bee's knees...he and BSReg should produce a vid together...

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder who this will be blamed on in the end?

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Perps will probably figure out a way to blame it on Bin Laden and Al-CIA-da...miraculously, a team of terrorists managed to plant NUKES/reactors under the WTC towers...problem is, all the questions about security/access to the complex will lead directly to Wirt Walker and Marvin Bush...SECURACOM-STRATESEC...
i'm sure the Port Authority might cringe at those kinds of questions, as well...Silverstein as well...

11:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out this new site:

I also hear MysticalGroove is working on a 30 minute video of much better quality.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the case for nuclear demolition is quite strong.

No, it isn't.

You're an idiot.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the case for nuclear demolition is quite strong.

1. Pulverization of 99% of concrete into ultra fine dust as recorded by official studies. Concrete dust was created instantly throughout the towers when the fusion device million degree heat rapidly expanded water vapour 1000-fold in the concrete floors.

2. Superheated steels ablating (vaporizing continuously as they fall) as seen in video clips of the towers collapsing. This requires uniform temperatures roughly twice that of thermite. Conventional demolition or explosive charges (thermate, rdx, hdx etc.) cannot transfer heath so rapidly that the steel goes above it's boiling temperature.

3. 22 ton outer wall steel sections ejected 200 meters into the winter garden. Cutting charges cannot eject heavy steels and throwing charges cannot provide the energy required without heavy, solid surface mounts.

4. 330 ton section of outer wall columns ripping off side of tower. Cutting charges cannot eject heavy steels linked together and throwing charges cannot provide the energy required without very heavy, solid surfaces to mount those charges.

5. Molten ponds of steel at the bottom of elevator shafts (WTC1, WTC2, WTC7). Massive heath loads have been present at the lower parts of these high-rise buildings. As one of the witnesses after seeing the flow of metals declared: "no one will be found alive".

6. The spire behaviour (stands for 20-30 seconds, evaporates and goes down, steel dust remains in the air where the spire was). The spire did not stand because it lost its durability when the joints vaporized.

7. Sharp spikes in seismograph readings (Richter 2.1 and 2.3) occurred at the beginning of collapse for both towers. Short duration and high power indicate an explosive event.

8. A press weighting 50 tons disappeared from a basement floor of Twin Towers and was never recovered from debris. Not possible with collapses or controlled demolitions. The press was vaporized or melted totally.

9. Bone dust cloud around the WTC. This was found not until spring 2006 from the Deutsche Bank building. (In excess of 700 human remains found on the roof and from air vents). See

10. Fires took 100 days to extinguish despite continuous spraying of water. Thermate would burn out totally and then cool down much faster, just in a few days. This long cooling time means the total heath load being absorbed into the steels of the WTC was massive, far in excess anything found in collapses or typical controlled demolitions.

11. Brown shades of color in the air due nuclear radiation forming NO2, NO3 and nitric acid. TV and documentary footage changed the color balance to blue to disguise this fact indicating complicity in the coverup.

12. Elevated Tritium values measured in the WTC area but not elsewhere in New York. Official studies stated that 8 EXIT signs from two commercial Boeing jets were responsible. The tritium in those EXIT signs is insufficient to explain the measurements (very little tritium is available for measuring after evaporation into air as hydrogen and as tritiated water vapour. This can provide conclusive proof of fusion devices and therefore US/Israeli military involvement.

13. Pyroclastic flow observed in the concrete-based clouds. Only found with volcanic eruptions and nuclear detonations. The explosion squibs cool down just a few milliseconds after the explosion or after having reached some 10 meters in the air. Pyroclastic flow will not mix with other clouds meaning very serious heath in those clouds not possible with the conventional demolition or explosive charges. The pyroclastic clouds were cooling down at the WTC but this process took some 30 seconds. See

14. Huge expanding dust clouds 5 times the volume of the building indicating extreme levels of heat generated far in excess of traditional demolition explosives.

15. Rubble height was some 10% of the original instead of 33% expected in a traditional demolition. Fusion device removal of underground central steel framework allowed upper framework to fall into this empty space and reduce the rubble height.

16. No survivors found, except some firefighters in one corner pocket in the rubble who looked up to see blue sky above them instead of being crushed by collapsing debris. Upward fusion flashlight-like beam of destruction missed this pocket but removed debris above those lucky firemen.

17. 14 rescue dogs and some rescue workers died far too soon afterward to be attributed to asbestos or dust toxins (respiratory problems due to alpha and tritium particles created by fusion are far more toxic)

18. Record concentrations of near-atomic size metal particles found in dust studies due to ablated steel. Only possible with vaporized (boiling) steels.

19. Decontamination procedure used at Ground Zero (hi-pressure water spraying) for all steel removed from site. Water spraying contains fusion radioactivity.

20. No bodies, furniture or computers found in the rubble, but intact sheets of paper covered the streets with fine dust. Items with significant mass absorbed fusion energy (neutrons, x-rays) and were vaporized while paper did not. Paper and powder theory.

21. 200 000 gallon sprinkler water tanks on the roofs of WTC1 and WTC2, but no water in the ruins. Heat of fusion devices vaporized large reservoirs of water.

22. Reports of cars exploding around the WTC and many burned out wrecks could be seen that had not been hit by debris. Fusion energy (heath radiation and the neutrons) caused cars to ignite and burn far from WTC site.

23. Wide area electrical outage, repairs took over 3 months. Fusion devices cause EM pulse with Compton scattering. See German engineers help the USA plate 5.

24. EM pulse was recorded by broadcast cameras with high quality electronic circuitry. This occurred at the same time as the seismic peaks recorded by Lamont Doherty during the beginning of the collapse. This is due to the Compton Effect and resulted in a large area power outage at the WTC.

7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made a lengthy comment earlier that seems to have been zapped by forces unknown.

I'd consider a kitchen sink approach. I wouldn't be at all suprised if they did use these mininukes and "as long as they're doing THAT, why not do a little bit of THIS as well."

Some of the evidence such as the holes in WTC 5 and 6 and the gash down the side of WTC 7 suggest the use of directed energy weapons. Mininukes may have done most of the heavy lifting, but there are lots of plain old explosive squibs and also signs that DE weapons may have been deployed.

Remember, it's not an "either or" proposition. Technology serves the planners of the attack, and there's no requirement or even any reason to think the bad guys would prefer one particular type of technology at the expense of another.

The question isn't what DID they use... it's really what DIDN'T they use. The exotic weapons and especially a combination of them make it hard for Regular Joes to figure out what just happened. The official story gets rid of a lot of cognitive dissonance. Experts looked at the scene and said it was hijacked jets.

People would rather believe something convenient than something complicated and correct. The more sources they have to reveal the real situation, the more likely they are to realize they've been deceptively manipulated.

Keep spreading the word, Spooked! The dam is about to break. The perps are terrified because they know we've seen through their TV Fakery.

Keep the pressure on, we're in the final stretch!


7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder just how many SPOOKS read this blog and track its' users...i'm guessing military and NSA, maybe some other FEDS...notice how quiet they keep...we KNOW you're watching this blog, and we don't give a f*ck, understand? how can you let the PERPS get away with this? for a paycheck, health benefits, a pension? if you're a SPOOK/SPY who's reading this, it's your duty to speak truth to power...if you don't, f*ck you! you're a sell-out! they won't get away with it!

12:36 PM  

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