Humint Events Online: 9/11 Blogger

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

9/11 Blogger

9/11 is a fascinating topic, and blogs are much more engaging and lively than traditional news media.

So how did 9/11 Blogger get to be so damn dull?

Of course, given the obvious gate-keeping that goes on over there, I have to wonder if that was their plan all along...

Then again, who am I to criticize when they get 20 times the traffic I do?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can be anything but dull when almost every single issue pertaining to 9/11 is taboo for them?
cases in point:
*4 boeings or lack thereof.
*total powderization of all wtc concrete and the still unaddressed (by 911blogger) disappearance of much of the wtc steel before it even hit the ground.
*unexplained spontaneous combustion of automobiles some of which were a good mile away from the wtc.
*the absence of flights11&77 in the BTS data base for 09/11/01.
*the revelation by the cleveland mcmayor and the cleveland mcmedia that UAflight93 had landed safely at the cleveland airport.
maybe if you make a lot of blog posts about the collective lameness of some of them might start paying attention?
i double dare you to pull your heads out and go get your dads to join us over here at a real 9/11 blog for a real discussion about the real 9/11.
at least fire the guy who came up with the incredible papier mache analogy.
h is for ha!

5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, 911blogger is DULL, it is not an info hub. It is a bulletin board of the same ole same ole.
I don't even read it anymore. i prefer meatier sites, Like this one, research actually continues on Killtown, Still Diggin, Nico's plethora of sites! Hate to say it, but 911blogger sucks, as does 911truth, which I loved how upon a comment about their 2year banner ad asking for money was called out, they actually moved it. and not much else.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gonna have to second that, democrat.

atleast Spooked can handle the anonymous posting!

Anonymous Commenting Disabled

right after someone on 911blogger posts about the US gov't wanting bloggers to register, 911blogger now wants bloggers to register.

i am sure that was just a coincidence ;-)

11:52 AM  

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