Humint Events Online: Winds of Change

Friday, November 10, 2006

Winds of Change

Even though 9/11 clearly transcends party politics, it is still very hard not to feel that the Democratic take-over of Congress is a huge sea change that takes the wind out the sails of the 9/11 "movement".

To a large extent, people's fears were not so much about 9/11 and the prospect of another 9/11-like attack, but rather there were real fears about where the US was heading under Bush and the GOP. Fears of overt fascism and a one-party police-state engaged in permanent war appeared reasonable.

All that has changed in a very remarkable and dramatic way.

Thus, for me, it's hard not to feel some sense of relief and some sense that our Democracy works.

Moreover, for me, there is a desire to put 9/11 aside and "get on with my life" and try to accept that there simply are things I cannot meaningfully change.

I am certainly not saying that 9/11 was not an inside job nor am I saying that I trust the Democrats. It will be extremely interesting to see how different the Democrats truly are from the Bushies in terms of promoting war and torture and using terrorism as a political tool and importantly how much of the Bush era abuses the Democrats thoroughly investigate and prosecute. I think in six months we will know for sure whether the Democrats are merely going to put a prettier face on what the Bushies did, versus embark on a new more progressive and humane path for the country.

I suspect things will be mostly business as usual with the Democrats-- with only the worst (perhaps more superficial) aspects of Bushism pushed back.

But still, with such a large change in the political scene, there is room for hope for a radically new direction and perhaps even some meaningful new investigation into 9/11.

Though right now, it sure feels like much of the impetus for the 9/11 movement is severely diminished-- which will make MANY people happy, no doubt.

And perhaps that was the whole point of having the Democrats win anyway, because they knew the Democrats would not cover up 9/11 just as well as Bush and the GOP.

Even though the winds of change are blowing, perhaps they will blow us right back to where we were going anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The implication of your argument about fake videos is that the media was involved at some level. That won't go away. And I don't think Democrats will investigate without a push.

7:31 PM  
Blogger spooked said...

Excellent point, "we know". The media cover-up is indeed key-- and that was one of the scariest things about the Bush era-- how the media kept so much bottled up.

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spooked, we the people can change this, but it's going to take a long time. That's OK -- there's no statute of limitations on murder.

I think people should give the Democrats a little time to settle in before pushing them to investigate 9/11. I would let them get started on the Downing Street memos -- revealing government propaganda is a good way to ease into the lies of 9/11.

My goals or hopes are two: (1) bring murderers to justice; and (2) make government lies and propaganda a thing of the past.

Your website is an excellent resource. I hope you leave your website up.

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it would be a real mistake to think of 9/11 as being a "Republican" attack. The Democrats need to get the message that the only reason many traditionally Republican voters even considered voting Democrat this time was because of 9/11. You need to get Hillary, , Pelsoi, Joe Biden, and the rest of their evil minions to stop talking about "focusing on the War on Terror." A big part of their supposedly anti-Iraq stance has been that it took the focus off of the hunt for the patsy Osama bin Laden.

It would be a huge mistake to just let the Democrats walk on to first base under the assumption that they're somehow less likely to sell-out America and the Constitution. Every 9/11 truther needs to let them know that we're not going to be satisified with their parroting the Bush lies. We need to see subpoenas!


6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A big part of their supposedly anti-Iraq stance has been that it took the focus off of the hunt for the patsy Osama bin Laden."

I very much agree, Fred. I experience cognitive dissonance every time I hear this.

Another thing we are going to hear a lot of is "implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations." Now many of these recommendations may be a good idea, but again the fundamental premise is flawed, at least in my mind.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Ningen said...

Hello, spooked. I am the conspiracy theorist formerly known as "we know," all proud of my brand-new blog. Could you please read the article I wrote there? I would like your input if you have time. The beginning part is a bit of rhetoric I wrote with the dKos community in mind, as a response to their "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" mantra. If the title is too hoaky, let me know. Further down I get into my layman's analysis of some engineering papers on the plane impacts, which is what I really want your opinion on. Thank you!

Anyone else welcome of course, I hope with substantive criticisms.

3:36 PM  

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