Humint Events Online: The Incredible Shrinking Plane

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Incredible Shrinking Plane

In this post from a few days back, I showed the strange video of the second hit from Detroit Public TV. The video is taken from a vantage point north of the Empire State Building, and purports to show the second plane coming in to hit the south tower, with the plane coming from somewhere in New Jersey.

I thought initially the video showed the second plane coming from the west, or possibly from the west-southwest (WSW).

I took three screen captures from this video, and also noted how the plane never appeared to change size as it approached the WTC.

In order to quantitate this observation more carefully, I counted the pixels that made up the plane and counted the pixels that made up the WTC North tower.

What I found, was somewhat surprising.

The ratio of the plane to WTC1 in the first capture is 1:4.0
The ratio of the plane to WTC1 in the second capture is 1:4.0
The ratio of the plane to WTC1 in the third capture is 1:4.8

In other words, the plane appears to be getting SMALLER as it approaches the WTC.

This would mean the plane is flyng to the WTC in a southeast direction, and must make a 90 degree last minute turn to hit the south face of the south tower. This path for the 2nd plane clearly conflicts with several other videos of the 2nd plane flying to the south tower!

Basically, this video is a fake. Plain and simple.

But here is the real kicker:

IF THE PLANE THEY SHOW HERE IS FAKE, WHERE IS THE REAL PLANE??? They show the building explode. What causes it? Where is the real plane coming from?


Finally, if some videos showed the real plane, why would they need to fake this video?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh horrors! i accidentally left the copy of "How To Fly A 757" in the suitcase! oh whatever shall we do now?

never fear my friend, we will simply fly around for an hour while you acquaint yourself with the controls of this simple flying machine! after all, how difficult can it be?

oh why me? i am not mentally equipped to handle this!

my friend, you are the only one of us who can reach the pedals.....hostage! more coffee!

2:52 PM  

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