Humint Events Online: Abolish the CIA

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Abolish the CIA

Okay-- I'm wondering, what net good has the CIA done for the US?

Their covert operations result in death and destruction and havok around the world, and this has gone on for decades.

Even by conventional wisdom, they screw things up and/or cause trouble:
1) Bay of Pigs
2) Not predicting collapse of Soviet Union
3) Not intercepting the 9/11 plot
4) Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction
5) Torturing prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib

(just a quick list of what I can think of right now)

Their one major success I can think of-- helping the downfall of the Soviet Union by inciting the Afghanistan conflict, training and arming the muhajadeen resulting in the empire's military getting bogged down there-- according to conventional wisdom resulted in a horrible "blowback" that led to 9/11.

So, for all the bad they clearly do, is there any net good that comes from the CIA's work? (Let's not count enriching the coffers of wall street financiers.)

Is there any indispensible thing the CIA does to TRULY make the US safer?


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